












この「幻想曲」は1838年にロベルト・シューマンによって書かれた曲です。シューマンはピアニスト、作曲家としてデビューしましたが、過度な練習により指を痛めて、ピアニストの道を断念しました。作曲家としての道を歩む中で、恩師の娘クララ・ヴィークと熱烈な恋愛関係に陥ります。当時クララは 大変有名なピアニストでした。恩師の激しい妨害を乗り越えてクララと結婚しますが、徐々に精神の不安に苛まれます。最期は錯乱の末に自殺未遂を起こし、精神病院で生涯を閉じました。この曲はベートーヴェンを讃える曲です。そのため曲中にベートーヴェンの作品が引用されています。 それと同時に、クララとの恋愛状況も強く反映されています。

 ‘Fantasia’ was composed in 1838 by Robert Schumann. Robert Schumann began as a pianist and a composer. But he gave up his career as a pianist because he broke his fingers by excessive practice. While studying to become a composer, he fell in love with his former teacher’s daughter Clara Wieak. She was a famous pianist. He married her in spite of her father’s interference. Schumann was suffering from depression and it was gradually worsening. He attempted suicide because of it, and finally he died in a mental hospital. Schumann composed this piece to express his admiration towards Beethoven. So parts of Beethoven’s music are used in this piece. In addition, the piece reflects his feelings toward Clara.





Sicilienne comes from the name of the island Sicily. It was written by a French composer, Gabriel Faure. He loved it so much that he used it in a play ‘’Pelleas and Melisand’’, though it was composed for another play, and this piece became a masterpiece of orchestral music. This piece is really spiritual. It is not only quiet but also passionate and both features contribute to its beautiful melody. No wonder Faure loved it so much.  It has the power to create a comfortable atmosphere. Please listen to it not only with your ears but also with your heart. Then you can feel something special.






“Moonlight Sonata” is one of the most famous piano sonatas Beethoven composed. The melody in the first movement is especially popular. This piece was composed in 1802. Beethoven named this sonata “Fantasia Sonata”. The name “Moonlight sonata” has been taken from the following phrase by the poet Ludwing Rellsttab: “As a boat shaken by the moonlight on the Lake Lucerne.” It is said Beethoven composed it to dedicate to Countess Giulietta who was one of his piano pupils, but he failed in love with her.





This music is originally composed for piano and string orchestra by Frederic Chopin. “Polonaise” for piano was composed in 1831. After that, “Andante Spianato” was composed as an introduction for this piece in 1834. Then, this music was published in its current form. ”Spianato” means “smooth” in Italian . So this music is very bright. Also Polonaise means “Poland style” in French. This music is dance music of Poland. Nowadays, this piece is often played only with the piano because its sound is sufficient as formal music without orchestra.





“Jeux d’eau” was composed by a French composer, Maurice Ravel, while he was studying at Conservatoire de Paris in 1901. A piece of poetry, “Laughing God Who is Tickled by Water” by Henri de Regnier was written at the beginning of the score. It expresses the beautiful movement of water like a fountain. Ravel was influenced by both Spanish and French cultures because he was born in a village in France which was quite close to the border of Spain. When he was seven years old, he began to play the piano, and he made a debut as a composer at the age of twenty-two. He left many pieces. “Bolero” is especially famous among them. But four years later when he composed it, he had a traffic accident and had a memory problems because of theaftereffects of it. Late in his life, it was getting worse. He couldn’t write properly and he also couldn’t compose any more. He wept to his friend, “A lot of melodies are being played in my head. I want everybody to hear them, but I can’t compose any more”. After that, though he had an operation on his brain, he went into a coma, and he died when he was sixty-two years old.





  1. プロムナード
  2. 地底の小人
  3. プロムナード
  4. 古城
  5. プロムナード
  6. チュイルリーの庭
  7. ビドロ
  8. プロムナード
  9. 卵の殻を付けた雛の踊り
  10. サムエルゴールデンベルクとシュムイレ
  11. プロムナード
  12. リモージュの市場
  13. カタコンベ(死せる言葉による死者への呼びかけ)
  14. 鶏の足の上に立つ小屋
  15. キエフの大門

This piano piece was composed by Russian composer Mussorgsky in 1874. It expresses the image of walking in the museum to see the exhibition of posthumous works from Hartman who was a Russian artist and an architect. Mussorgsky composed the music from his impression of ten pictures. These are pictures of France, Rome and Poland. And the ten pictures aren’t lined chaotically. “Promenade” which expresses walking between one picture and another is inserted. The themes of pieces are below.

  1. Promenade
  2. The Gnome
  3. Promenade
  4. The Old Castle
  5. Promenade
  6. Tuileries
  7. Cattle
  8. Promenade
  9. The Ballet of Unhatched Chicks in their Shells
  10. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
  11. Promenade
  12. The Market at Limoges (The Great News)
  13. Catacombs
  14. The Hut on Fowl’s Legs
  15. The Great Gate of Kiev