
[リポート]みんなの声 What’s up?

Y.Tさん(当学院卒業生。2020年現在 K2回生)がホームステイしたアメリカでの滞在記を英語と日本語で書いてくれました。時期的なこともあって特別な体験だったようです。




Mar.4-17, 2020

My Stay in America

Nowadays, hearing the news related to COVID-19, I am reminded of the time I spent in the US.  I was especially shocked to see New York Times Square on the TV news. I think I was so lucky to make a narrow escape from the situation, and it was a valuable experience.  I want to share what I saw and heard concerning how the virus was influencing American society at that time.

In early March, in order to enjoy my second trip by myself, I landed at JFK airport.  My mother’s old friend in Brooklyn let me stay for a week.  The influence of the virus could be seen more each day, but they welcomed me as a visitor from Japan.  That was something special to me and I was very grateful. 

My host family had various sightseeing plans for me, so that I could feel comfortable. What surprised me the most was the time I went to see a Broadway musical with my host family. After watching TV and reading newspapers, I had thought that US citizens were afraid of the virus. So what I found inside the theater really surprised me. The fame of the show left no vacant seats.  Although newscasters were warning people to stay away from crowds, no one seemed to care.  Looking back, it is hard to believe that every theater would be shut down within a week.

After my stay in NY, I moved to my second host’s home in New Jersey.  There I was able to see how people were terrified because of the situation.  Everyone was buying toilet paper, and hand sanitizer was sold out just like in Japan.  It got worse after President Trump held a press conference.  At supermarkets, there were many empty shelves everywhere.  Hearing my host family chatting with people, they seemed sick about the behavior of panicked people.  

This is how the United States was when I was there. Then America started to get armed against the virus.  I guess when the famous actor was infected it made people take it more seriously. At the second place I stayed I joined my host taking her dog for a walk.  She said many of the neighboring houses had unfamiliar cars parked in front of them. The families’ children who lived faraway were visiting. At that time every state was to be locked down sooner or later. I thought that was so American–the idea of ‘family first.’

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